Shared High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging Facility

Overview of Services


 About Us:

  • Provide instrumentation for high-resolution in vivo ultrasound imaging
  • Managed by the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • Purchased with support by an NIH S10 Shared Instrument grant


  • Access to instrumentation on a fee-for-use basis, $50/hr training, $20/hr thereafter for self-use
  • User training 
  • Use of data analysis using Vevo Lab software

Equipment & Technology:

  • VisualSonics Vevo 3100 high-frequency ultrasound imaging unit, small animal imaging station, micro-injection system, anesthesia unit
  • Linear array transducers (MX250, MX550D, MX700) providing resolution up to 30 um 
  • Power Doppler, Tissue Doppler, 3D mode, strain analysis, cardiovascular analysis and 3D imaging software
  • Work-station for data analysis


!!! All users of this instrument must acknowledge 1S10 OD025038 in all publications and NCBI My Bibliography !!!

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday 

8AM - 5PM

MEB 4740



Name Role Phone Email Location
Tina Wan
Manager, Research Scientist

John Auchampach